Iran is increasingly relying on electronic surveillance and the public to inform on women refusing to wear the country’s mandatory headscarf in public, as hard-liners push for harsher penalties for those protesting the law, a United Nations report released Friday found. The findings of the Independent International Fact-Finding Mission on the Islamic Republic of Iran come after it determined last year that the country’s theocracy was responsible for the “physical violence” that led to the death of Mahsa Amini.
A U.N. fact-finding mission into Iran's treatment of women reported Friday that the Islamic Republic was resorting to extreme measures in its drive to restrict their rights, including electronic "surveillance" and pressuring the public to inform on women not wearing a hijab, which is mandatory dress code. The increased policing and prosecution of women flouting the dress code and female activists who have received long prison terms, or death sentences in some cases, comes amid increased repression of women and girls and activists demanding their human rights as part of determined government efforts to quash all dissent, the U.N. will say in a report to the Human Rights Council on Tuesday.