Steak 'n Shake Says Its Fries Have Been 'RFK'd' After Switching From Vegetable Oil to Beef Tallow

Burger chain announces states where fries have been "RFK'd"

It remains to be seen whether Steak 'n Shake's move is the beginning of a broader industry trend toward using beef tallow instead of vegetable oil.

QSR magazine
Steak n Shake Moving to 100 Percent Beef Tallow in Restaurants

“Our fries will now be cooked in an authentic way, 100% beef tallow, in order to achieve the highest quality and best taste,” said Chris Ward, chief supply chain officer for Steak n Shake.

QSR magazine
Daily Mail
Fast food giant makes major recipe change to appease RFK JR that will change how your food tastes

Steak 'n Shake has announced that they will be cooking French fries in beef tallow in all of their restaurants by March 2025 RFK Jr. has been an outspoken advocate of the switch to beef tallow, claiming that seed oils are 'poisoning' Americans

Daily Mail
Steak 'N Shake Gets RFK Jr. Stamp Of Approval After Switch To Beef Tallow

Secretary of Health and Human Services Robert F. Kennedy Jr. is on a quest to make America healthy again. Steak 'N Shake was going to tell seed oils to pound sand and their fryers would only be using pure beef tallow. The switch has been completed in several states with more to come.

Steak 'n Shake Makes Frying Oil Tallow Again - Maxim

The fourth-oldest burger chain announced its return to throwback fries just before Robert F. Kennedy Jr.’s nomination as head of the Department of Health and Human Services. Fries have been cooked in beef tallow since they were first invented in Belgium hundreds of years ago. There is a saying among chefs that “fat is flavor.”
